Madonna, Queen Of Pop, has used her hashtag-happy Instagram profile to do a number of things, from championing the #FreeTheNipple campaign, to doing some controversial #RebelHeartPromo, to proudly displaying her super messy Miley Cyrus fan art.

But has her Madgesty now found a way to use the photo sharing service to not-so-subtly reveal the songs included on her forthcoming Rebel Heart Tour as well?

It appears that way, yes.

Kicking off with some electric guitar action last week (let's just get the grumbling out the way now — she's going to insist on yet another guitar segment during the show, clearly), the "Ghosttown" goddess flaunted her skills while playing Led Zeppelin's "Whole Lotta Love," along with a second post of herself mid-guitar sesh. "Im gonna give you every inch of my Love ❤️#rebelhearttour," she wrote, citing a line from the rock classic. Okay, so maybe she's doing a Zeppelin cover on tour. Fine.

But then, the #rebelhearttour posts kept on coming.

"Dress You Up in My Love........,,#rebelhearttour," she wrote on a vintage Suddenly Seeking Susan 'gram. "True're the one Im dreamin of......... #rebelhearttour," she wrote on another.

And more kept coming: "I Cant Help Falling In Love.....,.......❤️#rebelhearttour," she hastily typed out on a "Take A Bow" shot. And then, "Who's That Girl? ❤️#rebelhearttour," she wrote on another.

Just last night, she posted another: "With all these curves we might need to have the brakes looked at............ ❤️#rebelhearttour."

Put all the lyrical references together, and you've got "Dress You Up," "True Blue," "Deeper & Deeper," "Who's That Girl?" and Rebel Heart's "Body Shop" so far — along with a possible Led Zeppelin cover.

Sure seems like the beginnings of a Rebel Heart Tour setlist to me! And also clear evidence that M-Dolla doesn't know when to let go of the "." on her keyboard. DON'T EVER TELL HER TO STOP!

Here's hoping she keeps the #rebelhearttour Instagrams coming...and that a "Thief Of Hearts" quote happens at some point. A BOY CAN DREAM.

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