For the Teen Wolf fans out there who thought the bond between Scott and Stiles was unbreakable, the show's creator has just confirmed the crack's a-comin'.

The show's brand new season, which premieres tonight at 10PM EST on MTV (you can catch the first act in the video below), will find the show's teen superheroes in uncharted territory—Lydia's powers will expand to include crazy hand-to-hand combat technique, Derek will wander off the Beacon Hills grid and BFFs Scott and Stiles may find themselves at odds for the first time, show creator Jeff Davis told The Hollywood Reporter. Let us say in unison: EXCUSE ME?

"The new villains are going to cause a lot of conflict, so it's going to be hard for them," Davis said. "One of things we really wanted to do this season was really stretch their relationship and we kind of consider it a kind of romance—a bromance. In all good romances, you have to have them break up at some point, so there may be the possibility of a breakup between Stiles and Scott."

And while the guys test the bounds of their relationship, Lydia's journey will be more of a personal one in which she commits to becoming a hero whose brawn can match her existing brain.

"Lydia has a resolve in the season to learn how to fight," Davis shares. "She's realized that she can't protect herself in quite the same way that Scott and the others can, and it gets to her. She decides that she needs to learn." Welp, the previews certainly suggest she succeeds!

Devastated by the Scott and Stiles news? Excited for the premiere? Read Davis' full interview—which includes more on Derek's departure, the potential return of Aiden and why the gore-level is about to skyrocket—and share your thoughts!