We’ve now got verifiable proof that Amy Schumer’s brand of comedy is otherworldly.

The Inside Amy Schumer comedian, whose upcoming movie Trainwreck is just a few short days away from wide release (have you entered to win a disappointing lap dance yet?), is on the cover of GQ’s forthcoming August issue, and where her recent Glamour cover was nothing short of high fashion, this one’s a bit more…well, let’s just say it: she’s definitely sleeping with C-3PO. Han Solo’s gonna be pisssssed.

Posing between a poll that asks readers which Adam Sandler movie is the worst and promotion for a Trevor Noah profile, Schumer — who's dressed in Princess Leia's signature metallic bikini and sports the character's classic dueling side-buns — tastes the know-it-all robot's golden finger on the cover, and it doesn't look like she hates it.

An accompanying photo spread also finds the actress making her mark across the Star Wars galaxy by can-canning with a cast of Storm Troopers, enjoying a cigarette after a three-way with C-3PO and R2D2 (who knew robots had such a wild side?!) and doing something...rather provocative with a half-lit lightsaber. Let's just say she's certainly awakened The Force.

And though Schumer looks totally comfortable between the sheets with the story's bumbling bots, she admitted in a Vulture story published yesterday (June 14) that her first sex scene was anything but comfortable. "At the same time he’s having his first orgasm, he finds out that his dad dies. So he was scream-crying and drooling and coming, and I’m under him," she recalled.

Tell us what you think of the cover, check out the full spread and be sure to catch Schumer in Trainwreck in theaters this weekend.

See Amy Schumer's most memorable characters: