Priyanka, the Bollywood star, is launching her music career with an assist from Pitbull. Mr. Worldwide is known for his features on female pop tracks and judging from this sexy, fun-in-the-sun video for the actress' debut single 'Exotic,' Priyanka is well on her way.

Priyanka isn't too far removed from Pit's frequent collaborator Jennifer Lopez in terms of look, style and sound.

The twosome steams up the screen, soaks up the sun and enjoys beachside fun in exotic locations that pretty much mirror paradise. It doesn't matter if it's Mumbai or Miami. It looks like somewhere we wanna be.

Priyanka parades around in a variety of skimpy outfits, dancing with a focus on arm movements, showing off her body and generally making new fans.

Priyanka is hot. Pit's hot. The video is hot. The extras are hot. So that means 'Exotic' is a scorcher.