'Orange is the New Black' is becoming a little too real for one of the show’s actresses. Taryn Manning, who plays Pennsatucky on the Netflix hit, is dealing with an ex-friend turned stalker.

The 35-year-old actress pressed stalking charges against her former friend Jeanine Heller, according to TMZ. The police disclosed that over the last few months Manning has received hundreds of texts, emails and phone calls from Heller.

The legal documents detailed even further harassment. In an attempt to make Manning paranoid, Heller allegedly began spreading rumors that another friend was selling Manning’s private information to gossip sites. How awful!

Heller was arrested on Wednesday, July 2 and charged with stalking in the fourth degree. She was later released without bail.

Manning was granted an order of protection prohibiting Heller from having any contact with Manning, her mother or (strangely enough) her dog Penguin. Hopefully she can rest easy now!